8 Ways to Rise Above the Noise

I don’t know about you, but I have grown weary and resentful of all the negative news I read and hear these days. The steady drone of articles about the Clinton’s, President Trump and his campaign advisers, the Russian dossier, Uranium One scandal, the NFL player protests, and so forth. It’s exhausting!

What’s the solution? We can turn-off the TV, cancel our subscription to the newspaper, or our social media accounts, boycott the NFL, etc. However, being an isolationist is not a solution, its creative avoidance. The very real challenges we must overcome to ‘Make America Great Again’ are still present and unabated.

How can we rise above the noise and turn our attention to solving real-world problems?

When we examine the challenges that plague our world today, every one of them is a problem of “inner space”, according to Billy Graham’s teachings. “We have focused on conquering outer space, but are in danger of losing the spiritual battle, our inner space.”

How can we rise above the noise? Here are a few thoughts and solutions to consider …

  1. Don’t enter the arena. By choosing not to participate we avoid getting caught up in the scrum. Sometimes a “no response” can be the best response.
  2. Lead by example. “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” Be a positive leader and a role model for others to emulate.
  3. Volunteer and be charitable. Do something of significance to help others. Give of your time, talents and treasures to lift up those who are struggling and in need.
  4. Coach and mentor others. Every time we point someone in the right direction we are helping them, and passing the torch to others who will likely pay-it-forward.
  5. Work on self-improvement. Becoming the best version of yourself is a full-time job. So, put your energy to good use by focusing on improving your inner space.
  6. Practice R*E*S*P*E*C*T. If it sounds like crap … don’t put it in your mouth. Avoid the compulsion to hurt others through your words and actions.
  7. Reverse the polarity. Find ways to convert the negative situations you encounter into something positive, before they become ‘nuclear events’.
  8. Stand FOR Something. If all you have to offer are complaints, please take a seat and shut up! The rest of us are ready to move forward and be a positive force for change.

Rolling around in the dirt was fun when we were kids, for some of us anyway (I didn’t like to get dirty). However, News Flash — we are grown-ups now. It’s high-time that we start acting like it. It’s time to put an end to the name calling, personal attacks, negative press, hatred, bigotry and political discord dividing our country and holding us back.

Let’s devote more of our collective energy and God-given talents to work on solutions to the challenges our country faces. Rise above the noise and be a difference maker. You’ll be giving back in ways to help America be great again for generations to come.

Enjoy the journey!



COPYRIGHT © 2017 John Carroll